Dis-Chem Pharmacy | Centurion Mall

Discover the ultimate destination for beauty, health, and wellness at Dis-Chem Centurion Mall. As a premier stockist, Dis-Chem offers a vast array of beauty products, healthy foods, sports supplements, and health and well-being essentials, all tailored to support your wellness journey. Dis-Chem is more than just a pharmacy or retail outlet; it’s a comprehensive healthcare provider committed to a holistic approach to health. Its philosophy goes beyond treatment, emphasising overall well-being through a wide range of products and expert advice. You will find mind-blowing specials and irresistible deals designed to enhance your wellness experience. From top-tier beauty products to nutritious foods and advanced sports supplements, Dis-Chem ensures you have access to everything you need to look and feel your best. At Dis-Chem Centurion Mall, you can experience its dedication to optimal health first-hand. The pharmacy section stocks an array of over-the-counter and prescription medications. It also makes a positive impact on customers' lives with its professional essential health screening services and preventative care. In addition to an extensive product range, Dis-Chem prides itself on exceptional customer service. The knowledgeable staff is always ready to assist you, providing personalised advice and recommendations to suit your individual health and wellness needs. Whether you are seeking guidance on skincare, looking for the latest in sports nutrition, or need expert advice on managing your well-being or chronic health needs, Dis-Chem has you covered. Visit Dis-Chem Centurion Mall to explore its comprehensive healthcare solutions and discover a world of beauty, health, and wellness tailored just for you. Experience the difference with Dis-Chem.

  • Ground Floor - Shop 207f
  • 012 612 0261
  • Mon - Thur: 9am - 7pm
    Fri: 9am - 8pm
    Sat: 8am - 6pm
    Sun & Public Holidays: 9am - 5pm


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<p>A collection of Fine Fragrances at a very reasonable price.</p>